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EdisonReport’s Randy Reid on the DLC’s Draft 5.0 Performance Specs

Fuente: http://www.lightnowblog.com/2019/04/edisonreports-randy-reid-on-the-dlc/

Fecha: 16-04-2019

We have loudly complained about the DLC sacrificing quality of light to worship at the altar of energy efficiency. Ever since DLC initiated their premium program, the joke was that the fixture would meet the DLC standard, and if you want to meet the premium to get the higher rebate, simply remove the lens.

Like the rest of the industry, the DLC is going through a transformation and with QPL Draft 5.0, they have made a course correction, focusing on quality in a big way. In essence they have said, “OK we hear you, let’s shift to quality.” And the industry doesn’t know what to do. The tables have turned …

The luminaire manufacturers complained to me, “It’s too hard. It’s too expensive and it’s time consuming.” The response from utilities was equally negative.

There are two underlying issues that prevent a consensus. The first is that the utilities can’t find a way to monetize the new benefits, so they have little motivation. The second is that the OEMs know many companies cheat on the DLC.

Read more HERE
